Steve Richmond Fine HomesPinnacle Custom Homes Rollo Homes Castle Builders

Steve Richmond Fine Homes : 512.869.2675

P.O. Box 548, Georgetown, TX 78627

The ability to build a custom home with lasting intrigue and quality lies in the depth of experience & resources found at Steve Richmond Fine Homes.

Steve Richmond has been building in the Georgetown area since 1988. Steve and his wife Susan inspire much of the creativity that is found in their projects. Coupled with his engineering/construction education and field experience, the company is able to utilize materials and techniques that bring life to creative aspirations in every detail. Steve has surrounded himself with craftsmen and quality suppliers whose dedication to excellence has contributed to helping him build some of the finest quality homes in Central Texas. "Many of these men and women have been with me from the beginning helping to establish this company. They provide much of the hands-on talent and attention to detail that is difficult to find in today's construction industry."

Our building team is qualified and committed to excellence. Our previous projects have established a record of quality and appeal that has set Steve Richmond Fine Homes apart as one of the unique custom homebuilders of Texas. Southern Living, Austin Home & Living, Luxury Homes, Concrete Homes, and Architectural West magazines as well as Southern Rooms and Designed in Texas (hardbacks) all have used Steve Richmond Fine Homes to showcase craftsmanship at its best.